The theme for this piece was “Mid-Winter Happiness”.
In my own exploration of the “full-life integration” concepts, I decided to mash-up my soul practice with music.
1) I meditated for 45 minutes (energization, hong sau, & kriya techniques)
2) Recorded 7 minutes of live bass loops in 1 take
3) Recorded 1 take of stream-of-consciousness around the topic of “mid-winter happiness”.
I’m really excited about the possibilities of this format and would love to hear your thoughts!
Thanks, -kc
2 Responses
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I want to skip the thrashing around part and just be happy.
Not so easy some days.
We have one more beautiful chance to give it all we can – great reminder.
Thanks KC!
This week has been tough, right? Retrograde Mercury compounded by Epic Winter Conditions. All the more reason to meditate it away. 🙂