Even though it was warm and sunny yesterday in NE Ohio, we need all the inspiration we can get in the winter months, right?
My friend Matt likes to joke that he’s waiting for me to complete my transformation and turn into pure energy. I take that as a compliment and a challenge. 😉
The past few weeks I’ve felt like the 1.21 gigawatt bolt sucked into the flux capacitor.
What (or when) is on the other side?
I’m simultaneously overseeing the renovation of our new home while designing a new level of my career. This is happening while bouncing between temporary sleeping arrangements for our family and moving.
LMAO. <shudder>
It’s a wild couple months to say the least! It’s alternately exhilarating and fear-inducing whenever I stop for a second to process the magnitude of upheaval in our lives.
Thank God (and Centro) that December’s sabbatical prepared us Carters to live well ‘In The Flux’.
Watching our home take shape is both humbling and nerve-wracking. We’re practicing tons of allowing, knowing it will end up better than we could’ve asked for. All the crews have been amazing to work with.
At times a full-scale home or career renovation requires surreal levels of investment, patience, and faith.
But don’t these epic lives and families deserve the same?
I’ve taught myself the survival skill of full-life integration, which lets me borrow fuel or inspiration from one area of life, and then transfer and amplify it to other areas in need.
So this is my Life-In-The-Flux. And I may appear to be trembling in moments, but it’s mostly with the good-goOD-GOOD Vibrations of gratitude and humility; That sometimes, sometimes…
A lucky punk in Rubber City can watch all his dreams show up at once. And it takes surreal levels of patience, investment, and faith to nurture them until Spring arrives.
There are infinitely larger forces at play than little ol’ me. I know I’m on my increasingly singular, narrow path when the words of the guru strike the clock tower at precisely the right time:
“When the winter of trials comes, some leaves of life fall away. This is normal. It doesn’t matter. Take it in your stride. Say, “Never mind, summer is coming, and I shall blossom forth again.” God has given inner strength for the tree to survive the harshest winters. You are no less endowed. The wintertimes of life come not to destroy you, but to stimulate you to fresh enthusiasm and constructive effort, which will blossom forth in the spring of new opportunities that come to everyone. You must say to yourself, “This wintertime of my life shall not last. I will get out of the grip of these trials, and I shall throw out new leaves and blossoms of improvements. And once more the bird of paradise shall sit on the branches of my life.”
– Paramahansa Yogananda
Your love, support, and dedication to living your own Big Honkin’ Dreams means the world to me. Thank you for following along. I got your virtual back in similar fashion.
Until the blossoms start to pop, I chant silently in my heart for all of us: Onward! Upward! Outward!
PS. I’m excited to share the launch of my speaking & consulting practice in the coming weeks and months. This is The Grand Mission all of my teachers and mentors, as well as my career thus far has prepared me for.