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Thank You for Joining Us!

Let's get ready for some unforgettable yoga classes.

Wednesdays | 7-8P EST via Zoom, or *In-Person!

IMPORTANT: *Please arrive
⏰ 10-min early (zoom) or
15-min early (in person)
to get connected and set-up.

Set-Up Tips!
ie. What Should I Bring?

  • A yoga mat: This is essential for providing cushion and traction during your practice. If you don’t have your own mat, we will have some on hand. 

  • A small towel: This can be used to wipe away sweat and keep your mat clean. 

  • Water: Stay hydrated throughout your practice by drinking plenty of water. 

  • A change of clothes: If you get sweaty, you may want to change into a fresh set of clothes after class. 

  • A journal: If you want to track your progress or reflect on your practice, you can bring a journal to class. 

  • A positive attitude: Yoga is a great way to relax and de-stress, so come to class with a positive attitude and be open and coachable. 

Additional Tips for Online Students.

Set up your Space!

Tips to get the most from your Online / Zoom Experience.

  • Make sure you can see and hear. Set up your laptop, or tablet in a single, fixed location. Make sure you can see and hear clearly, or that we can we see you! Note: Air Pods or similar bluetooth, wireless headphones work great to ensure you can hear very clearly without distractions.

    We will work together to make the experience as seemless, and as comfortable as possible.

    ***REPLAY links will be emailed the the following morning*** (Gold + Platinum tier only) 🎧


  • Clear a space in your home: Make sure you have enough space to practice yoga comfortably. You’ll need enough room to move your arms and legs freely, and you’ll also need a clear path to the door in case of an emergency. 🪴


  • Set up your mat: Place your mat in a well-lit area and make sure it’s free of clutter. You may also want to place a yoga block or bolster near your mat for support. 🧘🏻‍♂️


  • Make it a sacred space: Make your yoga space a place where you can feel relaxed and at peace. Create an altar or a space of reverence: some candles, flowers, or other objects that have meaning to you. 📿

Wednesdays | 7-8P EST via Zoom, or *In-Person!

IMPORTANT: *Please arrive
⏰ 10-min early (zoom) or
15-min early (in person)
to get connected and set-up.


JUL 26

Welcome to a New Season

Intro. Chart a course for self-discovery— your full power to ignite your purpose.



to Chill

P1. Self-discovery in stillness. To be at peace with what rises in the moment to test us.



Permission to Feel All the Feels

P2.  Release and receive. To be at peace with the wisdom of our emotions.


AUG 16

Permission to Glow in the Dark

P3.  Commit to purpose, despite any fears. To be at peace with what the world is asking of us.


AUG 23

Lasting, Positive Change

Outro.  Practice and master the Seven Laws of  Compassionate change. Commit to your path forward.


AUG 30

Permission to Glow in the Light

P4.  Surrender into service. To be at peace with our responsibility to uplift and serve humanity.


“Finally, a leadership book with a soul. Powerful, irreverent, and so timely. The 4 Permissions will change your life if you let them.”

 – Laura McKowen, bestselling author 
of We Are the Luckiest
and Push Off From Here

Yoga has plans for us!

Stumbling into my first yoga class while working in the entertainment industry changed my life…

It would take decades to notice the steady progression yoga has created in my life. In 2013 I took vows as a Kriyaban yogi with Paramahansa Yogananda’s organization, Self-Realization Fellowship.

And now, I’m so excited to embark on this next phase of my teaching journey with our community.

Asana practice has always been on the periphery of everything I’ve taught (meditation, coaching, conscious leadership, etc).

Joining the Board of Directors for Yoga Alliance, and working alongside some truly gifted asana and Hatha yoga teachers has been a huge blessing!

My current focus is integrating the physical practice within the larger framework of The 4 Permissions. I hope you’ll join us!


Photo by Philicia Maddox Photography

Questions? Please contact
my Assistant:



I’m also happy to connect: