Grow Revenue Rapidly
Without Losing Your Best People
When people burn out, they leave.
But it's not for the reason you think.
It’s not because they can’t handle the work.
Rapid growth motivates founders. Your job is to grow revenue, to show results. Sooner the better.
– and –
Rapid growth requires tons of change.
How do we expect this constant change will impact us? What will everyone’s expectations demand of us?
These open loops we all have about change, on top of our work load are what burns us out.
Companies who stay ahead of this keep their top talent, and they scale faster.
Our team installs
people-first operating systems
so you can scale.

Keep the A-Players
you've already invested in.
Two things that work in staying ahead of the change curve.
Mission + Values
We've all been a part of terrible mission + values exercises that didn't stick. Your internal brand needs to be so powerful that everyone can feel it.
Roles + KPIs
Everyone says they want A-players. But A-players need to know how to win. Role design is the syllabus. And all roles need to roll-up to the key drivers (KPIs) of your business.
Free Culture Checklist
Unlock Your Team Culture
to Grow Your Business, and Exit.
Identify any gaps, and implement the 7 Commitments to Scaling a Powerhouse Team. Eighteen years of building award-winning workplace culture in just a handful of pages.

Let us know where to send your Checklist!
About us.
Earlier on, my programs helped grow a team of 40 people with $40M in sales, to over 900 people with $450M in eight years. We won awards for our culture. Still, signs of burnout were everywhere.
Our clients have proven that rapid growth doesn’t have to include burnout.
Our clients hire more A-Players month over month, and keep them engaged to explode growth. At the center is a more joyful, purpose-driven leadership team.
Epic Leadership is the Architect: of mission-aligned culture, growth, impact, and more.