This meditation is also available inside the Insight Timer App.
Day 1: Posture And Breath by teacher Kristoffer ‘KC’ Carter

Each day we’ll send you your daily guided meditation (whether you use it or not is totally up to you) and provide a little boost of inspiration to help you remember what we’re trying to achieve in building a practice.
You can hashtag #ThisEpic30 and the day you’ve completed #1of7, #2of7 and so on.
Don’t just plan today’s session. Get comfortable with the idea that this will be part of your life for the next 7 days. Surrender to that truth. The first day will be easier than day 3. That’s just how forming new habits goes. Read the prompt above and focus on the words “time and effort”.
My friend and teacher Susan Piver has a great quote: “If meditation were a pill, everyone would take it.” Far fewer are willing to clock in every day no matter what the weather. The great news, is that if you stick with us, meditation will become just a part of who you are. It will be another wired habit like brushing your teeth… with profound benefits.
Now, go get those first 5 minutes in!
Talk soon!
To one heck of an inspired year…
PSS. Share what you’re learning! We’ve created a Share The Love Hub. Learn more about how you can get involved. Should you feel inspired, I’ve included share buttons and links in each of the 7-day prompts. Share what you’re committing to for the month!
There’s no better accountability than a public commitment. We also want to invite as many awesome souls like you to join us.
See you in The Pause,