According to the US Bureau of Labor & Statistics (2016), there is a less than 3% unemployment rate in white-collar, college-educated professionals. How you attract your top-tier talent has never been more critical.
What can we do to stand out from the pack? Here are a couple of my favorite examples of putting your Mission + Values to work.
Inspired Culture by Stage of
The Employee Lifecycle
- Hilarious, Viral-Quality Recruitment Videos are the Next Chapter in Talent Acquisition.
- InfusionSoft – Excellent Culture page with a powerful video around their values in action. Love the descriptors of their values.
- Cisco Systems – 2 women employees in Europe led the “People Deal Manifesto” project and the entire org adopted it. The video is cool (scroll down) because it’s their manifesto line by line, delivered by a diverse global workforce.
- Chicago start-up Snapsheet. – Dig their Core Values simplicity, clarity, + layout
- Famous Supply – Akron, OH. – Incredible detail from their CEO Marc Blaushild on each of their 40 (Forty!) Fundamentals.
Potential strategy: Tie the core values (and ideally a clear mission) to external +
internal/recruitment branding. From focus grouping to exec alignment, crafting,
scripting, producing, and internal rollout
Contact Me for a Complimentary
Walk-Through of my
Culture Overview: ORG MAGNETS.