Kripalu Retreat Recap
Previous Next “No time to explain. Get in the Van!”The energy of that phrase invites us to reinvent our lives. There was a moment during our Joy of Purpose retreat last week, when the grand adventure of reinvention overwhelmed me. This usually involves lots of very loud crying. More on that in a second. […]
More Evidence for How Retreats Can Change Lives
You know by now we only have 2 speeds around here: off, and completely EPIC, right? 🙂 Get comfortable. Here is what happened in last week’s Costa Rica retreat. Coming down from The Retreat Vibes is something we need to practice (deeply) every time we return from such a life-changing event. Reentry is a combination of […]
Leaving the Peak Without Coming Down
Sunday morning, I was quietly meditating— and sobbing in the dark— backstage in upstate, NY. Four hundred and thirty Campers, and our teams of staff and volunteers were on the other side of the curtain. Our host, and visionary maker Jonathan Fields was delivering the final keynote: Spark Your Life. This was our final presentation in […]
Read Before Quitting Your Job
No matter how many of us dream of striking out on our own, teams and orgs still make the world go around. Many of my coaching clients who work in companies weigh going into business for themselves, or answering a life-long dream. That was definitely the case with me. I loved the companies I worked […]
RECAP VIDEO: 20 Miracles on Retreat
In designing group experiences, there are factors you can control, and many more you can’t. You can design an agenda that facilitates deep learning, but also allows space for connection and serendipity. You can obsess over printed material, exercises, and a healthy menu. You can Google Map the venue and surrounding areas to plot […]